Patient’s Bill of Rights
I feel each resident should expect the highest quality of personal and professional care. In keeping withthis philosophy, I support and adhere to the Patient’s Bill of Rights. Because of the importance of theseexpectations in my role, I am attesting to the portions of the Patient’s Bill of Rights highlighted belowwhich affirm the rights of a resident:1. To be treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of personal dignity andindividuality.2. To receive care, treatment, and services that are adequate.3. To receive respect and privacy of his or her personal and medical records.4. To be free from mental and physical abuse.5. To enjoy privacy in his or her room.6. To associate and communicate privately with persons of his or her choice and send and receivehis or her personal mail unopened.7. To meet with and participate in activities of social, religious, and community groups at his or herdiscretion.No roster of rights can guarantee for the resident the kind of treatment they have a right to expect. It isespecially important that each of my actions is conducted with the main concern for the resident and therecognition of their dignity as human beings. Violations of the Patient’s Bill of Rights may result indisciplinary action up to and including cancellation of license, termination, and jail.By signing this, I state that I have read and understood the Patient’s Bill of Rights.