Contractor Agreement
1. Contractor certifies and guarantees that he/she is a duly licensed/certified healthcareprofessional under the laws of the state that he/she provides services and holds a currentlicense/certificate issued by the state of Mississippi. The contractor agrees to inquiry into the goodstanding of his/her education, license, and/or any other factor concerning his/her qualifications.2. Contractor agrees that he/she will not make any claims against said facilities for any wages orbenefits including Workman’s Compensation claims. Contractor understands and agrees that inorder to file a claim as an Independent Contractor, She/he is self-employed and must carry his/herown Worker’s Compensation Insurance.3. Contractor will provide his/her own malpractice insurance coverage in the minimum amount of$500,000. The contractor will provide proof of coverage at any time requested by the Agency.4. Contractor will provide healthcare services on an intermittent, as-needed basis, with theunderstanding that the Agency will inform the Contractor of the day's services are required andthat the Contractor has the full option to accept or deny the request. Upon acceptance, theThe contractor will be obligated to meet all schedules agreed to between the Agency and the Contractor.The Contractor understands that work cannot be guaranteed on this basis.5. Contractor understands and agrees to maintain his/her own liability insurance on his/her vehicle.The contractor will hold the Agency, facility, and/or clients, harmless from any liability whatsoeverregarding his/her rendering of professional services or operations of his/her vehicle or otherwise.6. Contractor will perform his/her services substantially in accordance with generally acceptedpractices and principles and this agreement shall be subject to the rules and regulations of any andall professional organizations or associations and the state laws and regulation concerning thepractice of his/her profession.7. In signing this document, I acknowledge that I am contracted to facilities by Precision HealthcareStaffing, LLC. I also understand that I am not an employee of the facility or agency and that Ihave no legal rights to any benefits provided by the facility to its employees. Contractorunderstands and agrees that he/she will not be treated as an employee for workman’scompensation, social security purposes, state unemployment, federal income taxes, or otherwise.The contractor will be responsible for the payment of all income and social security taxed and feesreceived for services rendered. The agency will provide the Contractor with 1099 at the end ofthe year reflecting gross fees paid to the Contractor.